Life on the Island is going slowly … ‘Eat the View’ did a massive run up the Amazon/Kindle charts and is now hovering around the 20,000 mark (apparently that’s good as the ‘paid Kindle Charts’ have 450,000 novels all jostling with each other) and keeps bumping up to 10,000 and then down and then up again! Being a woman of a slightly impatient temprament (I’m Aries, sorry, guys and gals!), I’m feeling a tad’s frustrated. Seeking solace with my friend and fellow Ryde Author, Andrew Lucas, who has had a Kindle best-seller with ‘Crossed-Dressed to Kill’ his humorous Comedy-thriller (check it out!)
Andrew has been a veritable font of wisdom when it comes to all things Amazon and Kindle and has steered me through this process -which has been quite a white-knuckle ride, a case of trial and error as one uploads. I can see why many wait on traditional Publishers but I must admit, I feel a slight writerly ‘glow’ to be part of this new media – where everything is changing and changing so fast! Andrew now has a publishing book deal, a well-trod path which this particular writer is hoping to emulate!
Roll on September when I find out about e-book sales on ‘Eat the View’ and any monies earnt. After all, we writers have to earn to eat – as Raymond, the ghost says in my novel: ‘You can’t eat the view!’